There’s a first time for everything…

…in this case, a first time experiencing a professional photo shoot, barre n9ne-style, of course!

And let me tell you, the sheer thought of a professional photo shoot made me SO nervous! Even though I have so much to be proud of, so much to be excited about, having a camera staring me in the face was all I could think about all week last week. And yes, I was awfully quiet about it on the blog and on twitter, I realize. And that was mostly by design. I wanted to avoid hyping it all up and making myself even MORE nervous.

And guess what? It worked like a charm! Even though my Lululemon purchase didn’t arrive in time (FAIL!!), I still walked into the studio with an extra bounce in my step. I was excited. I felt confident. And yes, even pretty. I was having a good hair day (well worth the sweatfest it took to dry my hair in nearly 100% humidity!), my makeup looks perty and my outfit worked. Nothing too crazy – just my favorite tank top (and up until now, my only Lululemon gear!) paired with the only long yoga pants I own that aren’t faded! (thank God my package arrived over the weekend, cannot wait to wear my new groove pants and astro crops, all bought in the “we made too much” section, woohoo!). My sis was nice enough to bring an extra tank for me to swap into halfway through the shoot.

Once the photographer got settled, it was time to get started. I was up first – just a few solo shots to get warmed up (where the photographer warned me that the more unnatural/uncomfortable the pose felt, the better it looked on camera – something I’m totally taking his word for!!). Then we moved into a couple of posed shots doing various moves from barre n9ne – to show us “in action” if you will. These shots were the most fun – well,  actually that’s a lie. The most fun shots were with my sis, Tanya and I at the end of the shoot. Especially when Tanya shouted out “we totally should have brought wine to this shoot!” – and man, was that a fail on our part, the shoot would’ve been that much MORE fun!! It felt like one gigantic celebration of our hard work and I ended up loving every minute.

And NOW, I can’t freaken’ wait to see the pics! The photographer promised them this weekend (untouched) so we could pick the ones we wanted them to finalize for us. These will go on the barre n9ne website (we *are* spokesmodels afterall, haha) and will be used to promote the next 60-day challenge (which I’ll blog about tomorrow) that kicks off August 1. <—LOTS to talk about here in a future post, I promise!!

In the meantime, here are a couple of pics I snapped during the shoot – so much fun! And reason #3,456 why the barre n9ne 60-day challenge has been (and continues to be) such an amazing experience…

Tanya posing with those evil gray balls 😉

Me (in outfit #2) taking pics while waiting for the photographer to finish with Tanya’s pics

And Jo – in her outfit #2, hot stuff!

30 thoughts on “There’s a first time for everything…

  1. You guys look fantastic!!! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! I swear…once I hit goal, I’m having photos done (because NOTHING can make you feel sexier than a few photos out of the norm), getting a tattoo (designing it myself), and going shopping of course. LOL So proud of you!

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