So this is 32, huh?

On this day, October 6, 2011 – I’m embracing all 32 years of my life. 

holy sh*t, I’m 32??

But seriously, what have I learned in the past year? It’s a biggie: I’ve learned that I am finally truly comfortable in my own skin, truly comfortable being “me” – and that feels like a huge breakthrough, and something to celebrate, not just the fact that I’m a whole year older. 😉

I obviously credit this breakthrough in large part to the barre n9ne challenge, coupled with my recent running breakthroughs, for giving me this newly discovered confidence and “happy trust” in who I am today. All 32 years of “me.”

But what I’ve also realized this past year? That I have a heck of a lot to be thankful for – most of all, that I’m surrounded by loving, beautiful, exciting, inspiring friends and family.

I have two beautiful sisters that I love more than anything. 

And a gorgeous niece I’d walk on fire for. 

And the best husband I could ever, ever, ever ask for. 

And the best friends – IRL and of the bloggy variety – that support me and my crazy ways, that “get” me, and that are just as beautiful and inspiring as ever. And it’s all of these things, on my 32nd birthday, that I am forever grateful for.

I am right where I belong. Right where I’m meant to be.
…and that feels damn good.

But – you know me, this post would  not be complete without a few declarations of things I want to see/do/experience during my 32nd year. 😉

A few I-can’t-believe-I’m-32 bucket list items, if you will:
…I will face down 26.2 at 32
(or at some point during my 32nd year…)
…I will  make my blog my own (as in my own URL, my own hosted site)
…I will learn to be more spontaneous (weekend getaways on the spur of the moment are in the back of my mind…as in book it on Friday, leave on Saturday morning; SO unlike me)
…I will do one thing that scares me everyday. Big or small, I plan to be plenty scared every single day this year.  

Happy birthday to meeeee (and to my beautiful sisters; I love you both so much)!! 32 is gonna be awesome (wrinkle cream, be damned!) 

48 thoughts on “So this is 32, huh?

  1. Happy Birthday my wonderful Fit Friend!! I can’t tell you enough how happy I am to have you in my life! You are truly a motivation to me, and I love all of our chats. I wish you the best in your 32nd year. I know you are going to rock it!!

    • Aw friend, I heart you!! I am so so so thankful that we’ve become such awesome friends, and that we’re on this fit journey together, it’s been an amazing ride so far,one I can’t wait to continue on into my 32nd year. Weee!!

  2. Purposely didn’t read your post till I wrote mine 😉 Some similarities though of course, for some reason, I can’t quite articulate what I want 32 to look like. It’s peculating, and I think we still – as always – have similar goals for 32 🙂 Happy birthday sis, to a beautiful year ahead and two beautiful sisters! Love you!

    • Ha, I love that you waited to read this until you posted your blog. So funny. I think it’s good to let those thoughts percolate before you “define” how you anticipate 32 to play out…but on the other hand, it’s not like we’ll ever really know for sure how it plays out and I guess that’s part of the fun of it, right? Happy 32nd sis, love you!

  3. Happy happy happy birthday to one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and genuine bloggers I “know.” I hope your day is wonderful and I can’t wait to see what 32 brings you.

    Oh right. 32 will bring you a marathon. YAY!!!!!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I LOVE the idea of writing a bucket list every year on your birthday. I’m soooo adopting that when I hit the big 3-0 next month! Hope you have a great weekend celebrating- that’s right, entire WEEKEND. What are you buying yourself as a gift??? 🙂

    • You DEFINITELY need a big 3-0 bucket list!!! I can’t wait to read it 🙂

      hmm…a gift to self? Probably a few fabulous finds from Lulu, my obsession with that place is ENDLESS!!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! I love birthdays and how they help us reflect and set goals for the upcoming year! It feels like anything’s possible – which it is!!!

    Have an amazing day filled with happiness, laughter and lots of love!

    • It truly sort of feels like a new beginning, which I view differently than a new years’ resolution kind of thing. A new birth year is so much more personal, know what I mean? I’m excited for what 32 will bring!

  6. Happy Birthday! I love your bucket list and have no doubt that you will accomplish everything on it! I’m anxiously awaiting to read what marathon you select as your first! Hope you had a great day and here’s to many more birthdays to come!

  7. Pingback: The difference in a year. | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  8. You’re only 32??!! And already with such a strong sense of self. It seems that many women spend their 30’s & 40’s searching to find themselves and to be comfortable with who they are. Go YOU!!

    Now, about that marathon? Which one is it gonna be?

    • Wow, that is quite a compliment – strong sense of self, I do?!?! Thank you so much!!!

      As for the marathon, I’m thinking, I’m thinking, I’m thinking….I’m *still* mulling it over but I promise a post will be coming soon that details which marathon I WILL be facing down in 2012 🙂

  9. Go you! What a great way to approach your birthday, I love it!

    Especially this part: “…I will face down 26.2 at 32 (or at some point during my 32nd year…)”

    YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Welcome to the crazy dark side 😉 hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha

    And, um, pfffft you SO DO NOT NEED WRINKLE CREAM LADY! You are BEAUTIFUL! 😀

  10. Pingback: Things that are humbling | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  11. Pingback: From the “do one thing that scares you everyday” files | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

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