Running randoms

My brain is all over the place today so I thought I’d jot down just a few of the things I’m thinking about. Since they all basically revolve around running, let’s call this:

Running randoms

…I really like when I’m right (trust me, this doesn’t happen all too often, hehe). Avoiding miles for miles sake on Saturday has resulted in three (yes THREE) really awesome runs this week. 7 miles on Sunday; 6 miles on Monday and 5 miles (hilly intervals) today. Sweatastic. Runner’s high-worthy. And all done on the treadmill. Who am I? Let’s hope I can keep this running streak going with another goodie on Saturday – but outside this time and with my favorite running partner with me. He and I haven’t run together in weeks, sad face!

…I just looked at my calendar on my iPhone last night. Noticed a reminder for 1pm ET next Wednesday. It was a reminder to register for the Chicago Marathon.  In just one week. Am I really signing on to run 26.2 miles?? Yes. I. Am. <—wheee!

…which reminds me: I’m wicked excited about my training plans. Both for the Providence half in May and, just a few weeks later: marathon training begins. Essentially, starting in March, I’ll be in training for ohhhh 6 months or so, give or take. Whoa. (note to self: share these self-made training plans with ya’ll sooner rather than later…)

…have I mentioned lately how much I love my bloggy friends? Last night’s tweet exchange was just another example of that:

@runcupcake Hey…if plans go right…I’ll be up in MA with @jessfit654 and @jobo_determined by my side. Could happen! #fitblog
@LiveLoveNRun WAIT WHAT? SHUT UP! I’ll so be there if that’s the case! #fitblog @jessfit654 @jobo_determined
@runcupcake @jessfit654 @jobo_determined Yep! I told them I wanted to share it with them. I have fam up there now. 😉 #fitblog
@LiveLoveNRun I am totally JUMPING out of my skin excited about this! @jessfit654 @jobo_determined #fitblog
@runcupcake @jessfit654 @jobo_determined Yay!!! The four of us will rock a half together…best way to spend my first! #fitblog

 Totally jealous! RT @jessfit654: @runcupcake @LiveLoveNRun @jobo_determined I LOVE THIS!! Can we pick a race date soon?? Must discus via…

 Dates???? RT @jessfit654: @runcupcake @LiveLoveNRun @jobo_determined Join us, please???? 🙂 🙂 🙂
This little exchange lasted another round of tweets until we agreed it was time to discuss dates and other fun logistics via email. What I love about this (besides how awesome these ladies are *and* that they so readily jumped on board) is that this will be Melissa’s first half marathon. And she wants to share it with us. Love, love, LOVE. Can’t wait to cross that finish line together, my dear! ❤

…sooo, I guess it’s time to figure out which race we’ll all be running together, huh ladies? Wheels. Are. Spinning. on that one. Race details to follow. 😉