Foodie Friday – things I could eat every.

The other day, I tweeted the following:
Jess Sutera
Do you ever find yourself uninspired, blogging-wise? It happens from time-to-time and everytime it does, I hate it. Am I alone?

After weeks of blog posts just flowing right along, without ever having to stop and think about a topic to blog about, I hit major writer’s block this week. I was feeling uninspired and it was driving me nuts. I’m not one to “blog just to blog” so I was fully prepared to take a few days off from blogging.

But then, I got an email from blog bestie Heather. After a little back and forth with her, she suggested I might start talking more about the foods that I eat, the meals that I make, etc., since I sort of gave my eats a “makeover” when I started the 60-day challenge last May.

Um hi, genius.

Instantly, the ideas for posts started flowing. (thank you, Heather!!) Again, this drives back to me writing with passion. I am *so* passionate about food and my new(ish) approach to eating. So why have I not been sharing more of my foodie faves with you guys on the blog?

I have no idea. It’s long overdue.

With that, I bring you: Foodie Friday. I’m not sure yet if this will become a weekly series or not, for now I’m just going with it. (that’s how I roll, hehe)

Today I’m focused on things I could eat (and in fact, pretty much do). Just a smattering of some of my fave snacks, treats, breakfasts, lunches, etc. With pictures (which I promise to do more of, especially when writing food-related posts!).

Peanut butter: I ❤ it so much, I have at least one jar on backup at all times. And in this case, I also have some super-fresh PB that I ground myself at Whole Foods last weekend (I was legit giddy when I saw the machine in the PB aisle!)

Salads with yummy “things” in them. Think avocado with strawberries and mixed greens (dubbed the “barre n9ne summer salad by Tanya). Or goat cheese, figs and fresh spinach. Or blackberries, avocado and a bit of chopped almonds on top. Or mexican style with fresh corn from the cob, black beans and red onion. I could go on. And on. And ON.

Bananas – on top of a bagel thin with pb (duh), or in my beloved irish oatmeal (OBSESSED with oatmeal – deserves a post of it’s own and in fact, probably will be one!), or with a tsp or two of nutella. In fact, the bagel thin/pb/banana concoction was a favorite of mine this summer at the lake (ah, bliss).

Fresh berries. So versatile – can be sweet or savory. Savory in a salad. Sweet on top of yogurt. Or all on their own. Particularly yummy when freshly picked – like these from our summer outing to the local strawberry farm. mm.

Yogurt. Preferably greek yogurt (hi Chobani, I love you). Lately it’s been the apple cinnamon that has my heart. But yesterday, I went with plain greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and a drizzle of honey. Yum. Protein packed. Delicious.

Healthy appetizers ala date night in. This is a biggie for me. A little back story for ya’ll…

Prior to the food log thing, my biggest weakness (BY FAR) were the cheese/cracker plates Scott and I would devour with our pre-dinner glass of wine during our infamous date nights in. Once I was introduced to my friend moderation and realized that pounding a half a stick of cheese before dinner wasn’t exactly “moderation,” I was on a mission to find a good replacement for the cheese/cracker pre-dinner snack that would still give me the experience of an app and a glass of wine before dinner with Scott but wouldn’t leave me feeling like I was missing out. I bring you my solution: Fresh tomatoes and basil, a few sliced red peppers, two feta-stuffed olives and a baby belle (or laughing cow) wedge. Delicious, refreshing and barely 100 calories. Perfection.

Chocolate. And wine. Shocking, I know. I’m constantly posting about my love of Dove promises and a good glass of wine. A recent addition to that list? Anything salted caramel. OMG best invention ever.

And just so happens to pair beautifully with a glass of wine. I think it was created just for me, seriously. (another pic from this summer, can you tell I’m lusting for summer over here??)

So, there you have it. Just a few things I could legit eat (or drink) And because this was SUCH a fun post, I’m thinking I *will* make this Foodie Friday thing a weekly series. Whatcha think? 😉