

That very word elicits visions of sandy beaches, carefree afternoons and a life where worry doesn’t exist.

Daydreams can be an escape, sure.
...but do they have to be?
…need to be?
…can daydreams be about realistic ‘dreams’ too?

These were the thoughts that started streaming through my head when I opened this little dove chocolate message the other night. Somehow I always end up unwrapping the exact right message at the exact right time with this little dove chocolate obsession of mine. This was one of those instances.

So…can daydreams be about realistic dreams, and not just fantasy?

I think so.

My daydreams lately revolve around the following:
…date nights in with Scott. Picnics in the living room. Skating on the frog pond in Boston. ’24’ marathons on the couch on a Sunday afternoon.
…crossing the finish line in Chicago. With pure joy spread across my face. (and a little pain)
…cookie and tea “sister nights” with little Isabel in tow. Now that Jen lives closer to me and Jo, sister nights need to become the norm. ❤
…loving the flexibility of my new job, and yes – embracing the un-routine that comes with travel (this week kicks that off – I’m in Cali as we speak!).

What I’m trying not to center my daydreams around lately?
...envisioning worry-free days. It’s just not realistic. Life includes moments, days, weeks of worry sometimes. It’s how you handle those moments of worry that matter most.
“can’t waiting” for the future. Staying present is the name of the game lately. I don’t want to rush through this thing called life – we only have one shot at it, and I don’t want to miss it.
perfection. You’ve seen an awful lot of posts on balance and learning to be less Type-A. Perfection comes hand-in-hand with that. It’s a fantasy to think that anything in life can or should be perfect. If life were perfect, we’d all be in our dream jobs, making zillions of dollars, traveling the world, and drinking the best bottles of wine every single day of the week (ok, that last one may just apply to my own personal fantasy lol)

You see where I’m going here? Dare to daydream. But realize that daydreams don’t have to only revolve around fantasies that may never come to fruition. Daydreams can revolve around little joys in life, too.

…like unwrapping a dove chocolate and finding the perfect message at the exact right time.