Friday random’s

It’s Friday! Which means the weekend is thisclose! Can I get a “weeeeee” on that??

But this also means that today marks the last day at my current job. Whoa.
Ch-ch-changes are a’comin’, ready or not! (ready!)

Rather than focus on that though (since I’ve been spending an awful lot of time talking about change, un-routines and my focus for 2012), I thought ya’ll could use a little fun up in EatDrinkBreatheSweat land today.

So I bring you “Friday random’s” – no real theme here other than some random thoughts or musings I’ve been meaning to mention!

  1. I can’t wait until February 1st. Chicago  Marathon registration opens at 1pm ET and I’ll be damned if Scott and I aren’t among the first to register (boo-ya!!)
  2. I’m *loving* the FitFluential Ambassadors team. I’ve already learned a TON from you all (and especially from you, Kelly Olexa!) – absolutely the best decision!
  3. I have a rediscovered love of chai tea. I picked up some ruby red chai from Trader Joe’s last weekend. So warm and toasty on a chilly day. ❤
  4. I’m Little Rock-bound in February. Yes, Little Rock. And no, that’s not random AT ALL. It’s a long overdue trip to visit the one, the only, Heather! I haven’t seen her since our first meet-up over two years ago at the Cathe Road Trip and am DYING to see her again!! It’s going to be a frickin’ blast of a weekeend — lots of pics and stories to be shared after the fact, I’m sure. 😉
  5. I heart running buddies – both the IRL variety and bloggy. You guys have been SO MUCH FUN getting to know (for you newer running buds of mine – like this guy, a total frickin’ riot!). Plus, the running buddies I have around here IRL -like my sis, Steph and the b9 rundate ladies! Running is way more fun in a group, I have to say. 🙂
  6. I also heart blog friends who may as well be IRL friends – like this girl…who wrote such a beautiful post the other day that was inspired by me. ME?! To think that I inspire her when she inspires ME everyday? So amazing. I heart her. And so should you (if you don’t already).
  7. (speaking of blog friends who may as well be IRL friends) I met a certain someone for the first time on NYE and I’m pretty sure we were besties in a previous lifetime. Yes, that would be YOU, Sam!! Here’s a picture as proof that this little meet-up totally happened (and totally and legit last-minute planned!). Best last-minute plans everrrr.

(sorry Jo, totally stole this one from you!)

Tag! You’re it – give me a Friday Random riiiiight now. 3, 2, 1 – GO!