What would I do?

Let’s rewind to Saturday’s run, if you don’t mind. Scott and I set out to run our favorite 7-mile loop. It was a gorgeous winter morning, not too cold (high 30s, woo!) and bright and sunny. We set out on our run – and this time, neither of us were very chatty. I was letting my mind wander and giving Scott a chance to let his wander wherever it wanted, knowing he’s had a lot on his mind lately. Figuring, this is our own “me” time even though we were together on our rundate.

So off we went, the miles going by fairly smoothly, my breath felt calm-ish, I was working hard but happily so.


My mind wandered to February 1st, aka Chicago Marathon registration sign-up day. Just a few days from now. <gulp>

And instantly, my mind started to race. For the first time,  I felt a twinge of fear about committing to 26.2. Up until now, I’ve been excited and ready to face down all those miles. But now that the reality of it is about to set in as soon as I hit ‘register’ on Wednesday, I panicked a little bit. And mentioned it to Scott, breaking our little silence.

“I’m afraid. What if we can’t do it?”

Without skipping a beat, he said: “We are ready. Our bodies are trained for this. They are strong. We’re doing this.”

And suddenly? Just those few simple words of encouragement was all it took. I thought to myself: “Game on.” and then “what would I do without him?”

Seriously, though.
What would I do without him?

He is my biggest fan, supporting me through every challenge I take on. With a smile and never a complaint (even when I spend hours each week at barre n9ne, which eats into our time together during the week).

(just look at that smile, ❤ it)

He is the best running partner and coach ever. He knows me. He knows how my mind works. He knows what I’m capable of. He challenges me to never give up.

He is selfless. He could crush a half marathon in well under 2 hours if he wanted. But he never, ever crosses that finish line without me. We cross together – well, he always has me cross just in front of him, ever the gentleman.

He makes me laugh (often at myself, mostly at him).

He is my best friend. And I adore him so.

So? What would I do without him? Thank God I don’t ever have to find out. ❤

Sometimes a little reminder like Saturday is all it takes to remember to always nurture those relationships that make your world go round. But don’t just take it from me, take it from Dorry, too – her post on Sunday brought me to tears, and reminded me just how important it is to nurture, always.