What’s the good word?


As in jump in, feet first.


As in taking 2011 by storm and resisting the urge to look before I leap.


As in taking risks, calculated risks. But not always.


As in tackling new challenges – both on my own and hand-in-hand with Scott. (we have big plans the two of us!)


I’ve deemed 2011 the year of challenges, and with that, of learning to jump without being so measured and planned 100% of the time. Sometimes the best bets in life are done without looking before you leap. And I’m determined to take every single opportunity that’s handed to me and my husband and making the most of this year.

Because, after all…

…we have just one life to live.

…just one shot.

Why do anything other than live it as fully as possible?

For some reason, I am feeling very strongly that this is THE year for greatness. I’m kicking off the year with a brand spankin’ new job (um tomorrow, eek!!) and I sense that this is just the beginning of new challenges, risks and (hopefully) rewards just around the bend.

I feel hopeful. Grateful. Thankful.

And I’m filled with nervous – but excited – energy.

I sense that many of you are feeling very optimistic about 2011, too. And I love it. As my sister said so eloquently recently, let’s live the sh*t out of 2011, shall we?? <—honestly couldn’t have said it better myself if I tried.

(Of course, this all came to me on a recent run outside with Scott on a rare warmer-than-average winter day…I’m telling you, some of our best conversations happen while running side-by-side. Reason #5,675 why I heart running with him, such unique “us” time…but I digress)