Mind games

Dear mind,

You’re awfully chatty up there today. And not the good kind of chatty – the ones that revolve around daydreams and inspiration. The chatty I’m talking about is the bad kind – the mind games variety. And I’d really like it to stop.

You just made it through a whirlwind of a week. (actually two weeks, considering last week’s chaos on day one of the new gig). Un-routine was tested to the max. Your workouts were a challenge to get through each morning thanks to screwy sleep/eat patterns. The intensity wasn’t what it usually is. But the bottom line is – you never missed a planned workout. And you stuck to your guns on the eating front. You pushed through even when you wanted to get off that clunky hotel gym treadmill and tromp back upstairs to bed.

Don’t discount this week. It was a week of discovery and growth. Not a week meant to end with mind games and negative chatter going on up there.

Embrace your return to routine. Recognize that the intensity of your workouts will be back in about 35 seconds. And that having a lower-ish intensity week than you’re used to is actually good for your body (and yes you, mind) now and then.

So give it a break, will ya? Calm that chatter please. I’m sick of hearing all that noise up there, quite frankly.

With much love,

22 thoughts on “Mind games

  1. I had the remind myself of this too. I get extremely nervous when my routine is interrupted. Maybe nervous isn’t the right word, but it makes me feel very off. And I have to remind myself that I still go everything done, even if it was in a different order than I’d originally planned.

  2. Love this post to yourself Jess. I loved especially what you said about a lowerish week being good for your body and mind. This is absolutely true! Sometimes I feel like deep breathing, yoga, and making one of your favorite meals with homemade ingredients can be so much more therapeutic than a long, sweaty run or a core fusion class. Listen to your body. We need breaks. We thrive on breaks.

    • I won’t lie – it’s hard for me to allow myself the chance to lighten up and not feel badly for it. But you’re absolutely right – we all need those weeks to pare back a bit, especially given how hard we all work week-to-week regularly, you know what I mean? Thriving on breaks – great way to look at it!

    • YES – they absolutely do mean something. Every single one. Even if it results in mind games now and then, to be able to recognize those thoughts as “games” and not real or worth fretting over, it makes such a difference. It’s hard for me to do but I’m trying!

    • I do need to shush it, don’t I? That’s mainly why I wrote the post — sometimes just getting the thoughts out of my head and onto paper makes all the difference. Thanks for the pep talk friend, you’re the best!

  3. I love this! And I totally get it…I’m having one of those weeks too…
    Seriously, I’m even having a hard time sleeping…my brain is JUST as noisy…so frustrating! But I guess that’s life sometimes! 🙂 When this happens, laughing over something funny with my sister or just relaxing helps immensely!

  4. The tough weeks are what make you stronger. BUt you also need to cut yourself some slack! It’s impossible to be 100% every day/week/month…….
    You inspire me, Jess. I love your “no excuses” attitude. 🙂

    • I smiled when I read this – the cutting myself some slack part is hard for me to do, clearly! But you’re right, I do need to chill just a wee bit, huh? I love YOUR no excuses attitude too 😉

  5. Pingback: Miles for miles sake | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  6. I think you did fabulous on your trip, friend!!! Sometimes it takes a little while for our minds to catch up. 😉

    This past week has been REALLY tough for me…PMS at its finest. Cravings. Exhaustion. Irritability. I hate it! Of course that comes with a good dose of random pity parties.

    • You’re right – my mind wasn’t with me on this one, took a few days but now that I look back, I’m proud of how I handled this trip. It was a big deal to get out there and just DO it, showing my new company what I’m about but not losing sight of my own personal goals for the trip. It wasn’t easy, but I got through it and it’ll just make the next one that much easier, right?

      PS. Ohhh do I know about those pity parties, gotta LOVE the PMS-inspired ones, huh? Oy.

  7. Pingback: Numbers. | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  8. Pingback: So, what’s the (February) plan? | EatDrinkBreatheSweat

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