What matters most in life…

…is that you LIVE it. No regrets.

As my sister so poignantly blogged about tonight, life is so short, which I think is often lost on us as we rush around in our dizzied chaos days. Sometimes it takes something that hits so close to home, that is so tragically sad, that reminds us that life is fragile. As my sister mentioned, one of our childhood friends is going through what is, by far, the most heartbreaking moment in life – grieving the loss of her sister. I can’t even fathom it — my heart goes out to her. My sisters are pieces of me – without them I’d feel empty and lost…I love them both so much.

I’m sort of at a loss just thinking about it – it’s crazy scary to really sit back and realize how fleeting life really is in the grand scheme of things. I just want to put the brakes on and slow down, taking everything in a little bit more deeply, enjoying every last moment of my days for what they are – another day spent alive and well on this earth, surrounded by friends and family that love me, support me, cherish me, as I cherish, love and support them.

It’s on that note that I’m fiercely trying to put it all into perspective – usually around this time on a Sunday night I’m sort of in that state of dread…another week of work. Instead, I’m thinking about what my friend is going through – another week of work is the last thing on her mind as she battles the wave of emotion that surges through her. The way I see it – I am totally and utterly blessed.

I am healthy.

My loved ones are healthy and safe.

I’m gearing up to be an auntie – planning the baby shower for my sis, auntie throwdown is in full force.

I just celebrated six years of marriage with my husband, the best husband on the earth, arguably. 😉

My weekend included a new haircut (shorter, eek, but a needed change), and an amazing night out with my husband followed up by a meet-up with some friends.

I had a fantastic day of shopping with my sis and husband which resulted in some damn good finds at the outlets.

I’m sitting on the couch next to my husband, Celtics/Lakers game in the background, happy and content in my pjs.

Tomorrow is a new day – weather forecast is sunny, I’m thinking I’ll wear one of my new dresses and I’m already amped up for an STS workout in the AM (funny how a rest day adds to the motivation factor for the next workout rush).

Life is good. It’s damn good. I am damn grateful.

Like I said, life is meant to be LIVED, no regrets.