Fire, enthusiasm and motivation

Once again, I read Joel Osteen’s daily email and was inspired. What else is new, right? Well – as you can probably tell, I’m in a period of thinking, re-thinking and wondering – what’s that “next chapter” look like for me?

Joel’s words reaffirm for me that perhaps that next chapter is closer than I think:

Do you ever feel like you’ve “lost your fire or enthusiasm?” We all have times when we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, but that’s when you need to stir up what God has placed on the inside of you. Remember, there are no disadvantages with our God. You have everything you need to succeed. No weapon formed against you is ever going to prosper; you just have to stir up the gift inside.

I fully admit that I’ve lost that fire and enthusiasm in some ways. Yes – I’m still uber enthusiastic about working out and am always looking for new ways to challenge myself. I LOVE that aspect of my life. I LOVE my friends, my family, my husband. I’m just antsy – antsy about my day job (in full disclosure here…), I’m antsy about our future and wondering why exactly Scott was laid off when he was and if that is a red flag that I should be paying closer attention to?Aside from the fact that it’s given us an awesome opportunity to reconnect and make up for lost time due to the demands his job put on him from a work/life balance perspective, but is there more to it than that?

Oddly enough, I was watching “Up in the Air” last night with Scott on a random Sunday night “date night” which was all about George Clooney’s character as a road warrior, hired to lay people off at companies all over the country. Part of his spiel was that being laid off from your job was an opportunity, one that wouldn’t be all that clear to the person being laid off right away, but it would become clear soon enough. He also said that every great leader was once in his/her shoes and it took something like this (being laid off) for them to go out and find that “dare to be great” moment.

So – is this our indication that its time to seek that “dare to be great” moment, our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to really shake things up, knock some things off our bucket list, or am I just reading into things? It’s hard to tell, but one thing is for sure, I’m bound and determined to figure it out. My sister is in the same boat as me right now too, if you haven’t already, definitely check out her post from yesterday, I could’ve written it myself, I swear…