A call to arms

While flipping through my sister’s copy of Body + Soul magazine at the beach this weekend, an article caught my eye – and not just because it was the only workout-related article in the magazine (ha!), but because of the message it conveyed. I had never really put two and two together but now that I’ve read this and thought about it – I LOVE the message it conveys:

“…our arms are an energetic extension of the heart, giving and receiving not only physical energy but also love…your biceps pull desirables towards you, and your triceps push undesirables away…view a tight upper bod, then, as a conduit to reaching for more of the thing you wants (friends, opportunity) and pushing back what you don’t (obligations, negativity).”

Love, love, love, LOVE, that. We so often view our workouts as beneficial purely from a physical standpoint – the strength of our legs, the definition in our biceps or those chiseled abs we strive for – and think less about the mental aspect of our workouts. I try to focus on both – and most of the time I do just that – I have said a million times over that I love workouts as my “me” time to center me for the day, infusing energy into my body. But, I’d never really thought so much about the push/pull aspect describes in the snippet above. It’s awesome!

It especially struck a chord with me as I’ve lately been mulling over just what I want out of life, friendships, etc. and one thing I’ve really realized lately is that negativity has no place in my life, not from me, not from others. Life is far too short to be filled with negative energy, to focus on the things we cannot control and to sink down into a rut of dark thoughts. It just doesn’t sound very appealing does it? It is, sadly, so easy to fall into that negative slip-slide and I’ve been guilty of it a LOT lately, but this push/pull mantra is a great mental note to self to cut the crap. 😉

And, I guess that just means I better keep working those biceps and triceps a wee bit harder now, huh??