Workin’ it out with passion

I heart the fitblog community.

SO  much.

I am floored by the response to my last post. I guess I really DID lay it all out there in that post, huh? I sort of feel like it was a diary entry that somehow became a public blog entry for all to see. As if I were baring my soul, showing my truest of colors.

And not gonna lie, it felt really good to write with such passion in my words. My fingers flew across that keyboard last night. Probably the fastest post I’ve ever written.

And better yet? It felt incredible to feel so inspired again. Like I’ve said a million times on this blog, I’m always itching for a new challenge, some goal to work towards, whatever. It fuels me. It drives me.

And somehow, if I look back at previous “challenges” – they always started with a definitive beginning/middle/end but somehow, these challenges never really end for me. Once they’re “in” me, there ain’t no pulling them back out.

I’m a runner. A half marathoner at that. One with a real race schedule like you other “real” runners out there. I even like to do intervals now. Like fast ones. Who, me??

I’m kickboxing obsessed. Sure, I’m Group Kick certified, but just because I’m not currently teaching (though trust me, I’d LOVE to), doesn’t mean that kickboxing is ever far from my mind. It’s my regular Thursday night retreat. I love that sweaty hour of fire!

And now, I’m a Core Fusion Addict. This one I never saw coming. Not for a second. But here I am, digging through Exhale Spa class schedules to see if I can figure out a good CF schedule to commit to when I get back from work travels next week and Jamaica in 18 days (but whose counting).  And for the record, I’d kill to go to the Core Fusion Boot Camp retreat in Boston this spring. Anyone care to sponsor me?? 😉

This, my friends, is my passion. It fills me with glee. It’s who I am. I don’t know why, but it took last night’s Core Fusion class to remember that. Workouts are not about numbers anymore for me. I don’t even regularly update my workout manager stats over at anymore. I was RELIGIOUS about that before. I hated to see rest days on there or too few “calories burned’ for the week. But somehow, I’ve slowly moved away from all of that and truly without even realizing it or trying to do so.

And that, for real, is SUCH a freeing feeling, I can’t even begin to describe.

<editor’s note-to-self: please refer to this next time you beat yourself up over taking a rest day or skipping a “planned” workout in favor of something else. Mmk?>

28 thoughts on “Workin’ it out with passion

  1. Great to see that excersize can give you such passion and enthusiasm towards everything in life. You seem like a genuine, happy person… It is great to see that you are a half marathoner!


  2. It’s truly an achievement when exercise is not longer a “workout,” but an enhancing part of your life. “Work”out doesn’t always put the most positive spin on it. After all, who loves work? But when you find that something that ignites your fire (which it sounds like you have!) it’s inspirational and enriching.

    • YES! That’s exactly what it’s become for me. What a great way to put it – the whole “work” part of working out has such a negative-ish connotation, doesn’t it? Great point.

  3. AMEN sister!! this is still really resonating with me from last night. It was an amazing experience! THIS is what a workout should feel like!

    • It really is – it makes all the difference, working out is not something I dread. I love it. I thrive on it. And, if you CAN get to a live Core Fusion class, I highly recommend it!

  4. You must try Core Fusion Cardio at exhale! An entirely different, but also amazing, experience. I love this post and I love that you are no longer about the numbers.

  5. “This, my friends, is my passion. It fills me with glee. It’s who I am.”

    Seeing you write that gives me the courage to think that too. I still really struggle to identify with my workouts (and my body?) like this. But through blogging I’m coming to appreciate it, and the joy it brings me, more and more.

    And I know I know I know about the need to centre myself. I guess it’s so unknown to me that I’m scared. I don’t know anyone who does yoga, and if I’m honest, it intimidates me. I see the people in my gym with their mats and I guess I feel like them like other women feel about weights, or running, or whatever. It’s so alien.. How on earth do I get started??

    • Per my email to you…finding those “centering” workouts that work for you isn’t easy. It takes you out of your comfort zone in such a big way, but when you find the right one for you? It’ll fall into place, and then you’ll wonder what took you so long!

  6. This is such a refreshing post – take that passion (all of them) and OWN it!! I feel like different forms of exercise have freed me, too. With each challenge you learn something new about yourself and what you’re Truly capable of when you let down the walls and the obstacles!

    • Thank you so much for stopping by! You’re right – every challenge in life, the ones we choose to do, and those that are out of our control, teach us so much about ourselves. Always a growth opportunity.

  7. Pingback: Well, that happened… « EatDrinkBreatheSweat

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