Spontaneous…with a lower-case “s”

Ok, so by now you all know that ‘spontaneous’ is typically *not* my middle name.

But in the spirit of learning to be Type A- vs. Type A+ (hello new years’ resolutions!), I am finding that a little spontaneity in life isn’t such a bad thing.

Exhibit A: Impromptu double date plans with one of my favorite couples around.

Yes, normally my Friday night consists of yoga pants, naan pizza and a glass of wine. I’m so spent by the end of the week that that’s usually all I can muster.

Well, the hubs made sure that was not the case this Friday night. He and one of our best friends (we’ll call him “S”) orchestrated a dinner and a movie night for us. (yes, two MEN made plans for us, imagine?!).

We ended up having a BLAST!Β  This despite the two husbands teasing us wives (who are normally very scheduled, very organized, very PLANNED) for being able to roll with the punches and doing something so impromptu and so well, very unlike the two of us.Β  And that was probably the best part. Well…that and the fact that the theater they chose lets you eat your dinner WHILE you watch the movie. I’m sorry but that’s just too cool. πŸ˜‰

Exhibit B: Fitbloggin’

This one was a little bit less spontaneous (just ask Heather who I had to consult first because for some reason I couldn’t just commit right off the bat…some things never change!).

Long story short on this one?


I am SO SO SO excited! One of my bloggy besties Alicia (Poise In Parma, check her out if you haven’t, she rocks) was trying to find a ‘home’ for one of her Fitbloggin’ roomies tickets who sadly could no longer go to the conference.Β  And after some thinking it through, asking work for the time off, etc. I decided WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!

I’ll be surrounded by a fantastic group of Fitbloggin’ fiends just like me and I can’t even imagine how cool that will be! I cannot wait to pore over the agenda and the attendee list to see who else is going to be there (I already know Tina will be there which is just SO cool…can’t wait to meet you, girl!). I also can’t wait to meet my other “roomies” for the weekend – Heather from Mile 26 and More and Beth from Dining and Dishing. Ladies – I promise not to letcha down, we’re going to have a great time!!

So yes, ladies and gents, I am finally learning that spontaneity can be a good thing. Even when it’s quasi-spontaneity as explained in Exhibit B. πŸ˜‰


25 thoughts on “Spontaneous…with a lower-case “s”

  1. Woohoo!! So excited for FitBloggin! WIsh I could go πŸ™‚ you’ll have a blast and I love the spontaneity of both πŸ™‚ See, you dig routine juuuust as much as I do. Hard to change isn’t it?

  2. Wow love the idea of eating your dinner in the cinema. Sounds like a fun Friday night, a nice break from your norm. I’m like you too, I’m into my routine of my week too.

  3. Two fun things! I haven’t been to a bloggie thing yet but can imagine all the excitement you have-plus it will be so fun to “meet” everyone!

    I am the same way on Friday nights. I just want to relax in comfy clothes and decompress. Something really has to be good to get me off the couch πŸ™‚

  4. I often have the most fun when I least expect it. I am always a super scheduled person, but I love a little spontaneous activity. Glad you had fun!

    I can’t go to Fitbloggin’ but I was at HLS and had a blast. I actually will be at my HLS roomie’s wedding during the weekend of Fitbloggin’. It was so great to be surrounded by like-minded people. You’ll have a blast!

  5. Wahoo! Look at you!!! Next thing you know, you’ll be booking last minute out of town vacations. πŸ˜‰ I think that is GREAT. Sometimes it’s good to step outside our own comfort zone – even if it’s not truly who we are to do so, it shakes things up a bit and makes us realize how it’s GOOD to be outside of that comfort zone once in awhile. Here’s to spontaneity!

  6. Fabulous post; Spontaneity is wonderful and I’m happy for you…have fun at FitBloggin’ … I went last year and had a great time with all the amazing bloggers! I’m right with you on Friday nights for yoga and naan; glad you had a fun double date Friday! Keep warm and hope you had a great weekend.

  7. Pingback: Random « EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  8. Pingback: Of running and race schedules… « EatDrinkBreatheSweat

  9. Pingback: “You showed up on your mat, it’s all good!” and other randoms… « EatDrinkBreatheSweat

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