Core Fusion Challenge week #1, winding down

With just one more day in the first week of my Core Fusion Challenge with my sis in tow, and I wanted to share my reactions now that I have nearly a weeks’ worth of workouts under my belt.

I must say – I am so freakin’ excited that I took the plunge.

And I’m equally thrilled with how supportive and excited you’ve all been for my sis and I! I’ve loved reading your comments and reactions more than you know.

As you know, I started out the challenge with lots of reservations and fears that this mindset shift would be too much for me and I’d spend half the week worrying about how effective my workouts were going to be.

But after thoroughly NEEDING yesterday’s rest day, this much is clear – Core Fusion is whipping my butt (literally).

Yes, I’ve been sore with other workouts – DOMS city with STS, and after long training runs during last summer’s half training or after trying new workouts (hello, TRX).

But this is a different kind of sore. It gets right down into the deep, dark muscle fibers…fibers you didn’t even know existed in your glutes, your obliques, your core, your thighs. In other words, my butt and everything that surrounds it from the waist up and waist down is killing me! In the best way possible, of course. 😉

Beyond that, though – the mind-body connection that Core Fusion is so strongly based around? I’m diggin’ it. I feel more centered after a Core Fusion workout and I defintely feel more in-tune with my body in such a hard-to-describe way. I guess you could say I’m more aware. Core Fusion forces you to think about your movements, freeing your mind of any wandering thoughts that would clutter up your focus on the teeny tiny moves at hand. Like the “up-hold” of a leg lift…you aren’t just throwing your leg up there to work that glute, it’s a much smaller, more concentrated movement where you literally are lifting your leg  up using only your glute muscles and core and then holding that move. 

You’ll notice I’m not talking very much about “results” from this first week of the challenge. For me, this challenge is quickly becoming much more of a mind-body challenge than just something to strengthen my core and improve flexibility. Of course, I’m noticing physical changes – small ones, but they’re there. Instead, this is quickly opening up a whole new world of fitness for me, one that I regret not discovering sooner. For the first time I’m ready to embrace yoga – which is HUGE for me. I even bought the Core Fusion Yoga Energy Flow DVD (thanks DD for the reco!) and a couple of yoga blocks to get me started at home. And, my sis and I are planning to hit the Exhale Spa studio to get some live instruction going too.

All of this is a pretty huge leap forward for someone like me – who traditionally has avoided pilates, core work and yoga like the plague.  😉  But – don’t think for a second that I will ever walk away from my love of running, spinning, etc., I’m just broadening my fitness horizons. Never a bad thing in my book.

With that, I’m off to enjoy this Friday night before kicking off my last Core Fusion workout in week one of the challenge tomorrow…with some speedy intervals thrown in just cuz I love that runner’s  high. 😉

17 thoughts on “Core Fusion Challenge week #1, winding down

  1. I’m intrigued that Core Fusion is like the Dailey Method. This might be an option for me once my package of DM classes runs out. I looked up their Web site — which DVD would you recommend starting with?

    • Hmm I’d say go with Core Fusion Lean & Toned, Core Fusion Body Sculpt (this one is most like the class experience, without the barre) and Core Fusion Pilates Abs. Check out the snippets on Collage Video to get a feel for how they work, I promise you, they are awesome!!

  2. I’m excited for you that you’re enjoying the Core Fusion challenge. I just had a look at the clip of Core Fusion Energy Yoga Flow and although I never do yoga or anything, I couldn’t resist buying it as well. It seems that these dvds are bringing a new dimension to your workouts. You’ll have to tell me what a real live Core Fusion class is like when you go to the class. I was wondering to myself too will the Core Fusion way of working out become as popular as weight lifting is or regular cardio is in the future.

    • HA! What a riot – love that you got the yoga energy flow too! We’ll have to compare notes once we’ve both had a chance to try it. 😉

      A real live Core Fusion class is awesome – you’d be surprised that even though most of the room is REALLY good at the class, nobody is looking at anyone else, they are only focused on what they are doing and nothing more. It goes back to that focused mindset you need to get those moves done and done properly. So it’s not intimidating at all to take a class, believe it or not. I haven’t been in forever though and now I’m really excited to get back there…must do that soon.

  3. This is a seriously awesome post.

    “You’ll notice I’m not talking very much about “results” from this first week of the challenge. For me, this challenge is quickly becoming much more of a mind-body challenge than just something to strengthen my core and improve flexibility.”

    That’s the kind of thing I think we should *all* be saying about our workouts. But I get so caught up in strength and speed goals that this kinda falls by the wayside for me.

    Also, getting down in to the deep, dark muscle fibers.. That also sounds like something we could also do with! I know that feeling; it’s almost a bit like numbness, or a really deep ache. Nothing like the DOMS and stiffness of regular weights workouts. It’s great to be reminded that we need to move away from the standard cardio + strength training in the 8-12 rep range. I’m not *quite* at the point where I’m taking this up myself, but maybe by the end of the challenge.. 😉

    • I love that you quoted me in your comment, you are so funny. And I am SO digging that my experience is causing you to think twice about your approach to working out. It’s awesome that you’re opening up to thinking about those workouts a little bit differently than you’re accustomed to. I think you and I are alike in how we typically approach a workout (about having to have goals all the time) so I appreciate your comment more than you know!

  4. You are SO RIGHT about the ‘up hold’ moves. I already feel like my legs feel longer and leaner. And I can hold the moves better. Imagine what another 2,3,4 weeks will feel like ?! Whee!

  5. Yes!!!! Broadening your fitness horizons is definitly not a bad thing! In fact, it’s quite inspirational because like you, I LOVE running and spinning. I actually have to really keep myself in check and make sure I’m not doing ONLY those things. I definitely see myself doing my CF videos (I ordered a new one!) more in the near future….especially with starting my new job/schedule!

    • There is truly something to be said for broadening those fitness horizons, it’s something I wish I’d done sooner (CF) so I really hope you find that you like the change up too!!

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